Monday, March 7, 2011

i like that girl ! ! !

haha....kali nie aq nk b'kongsi psal bdk korea tu lg....(hehe....i like her...)
aq pon mle2 t'tanye-tanye nape lar si maria nie blk malaysia.....kan ker best ddk kat korea tu????
rupe-rupenyer parents die dah die pon amek k'putusan nk ddk kat malaysia nie....sbb bpak die ade kat sini....sementara mak die msh ade kat korea...(mak die mmg org korea) pon blk lar sorang2 ke malaysia naik kpal t'bang...(ciannyer blk sorang2 mesti bosan kat dlm kpla t'bang tu kan)....then, bapak die pon pick-up die kat klia.....mmg tabah si maria nie..(pd fikiran aq lar) ar....mne x nyer....first time nk pkai tdung , nk ckp melayu , amek periksa dlm bahasa melayu....pastu mkn mkanan melayu....arghh....senang kata ....semua cara hidup die kini b'lainan hrp sgt die dpt m'yesuaikan diri....jgn risau kami di sini akan m'bantu maria dgn sedaya upaya.....fighting !!!!!!


  1. ar...tkut die x than n nk blk korea blk....oh no!!!....that can't happen...i wish she stay here more longer...but if she not comfortable....wat we can do,right???

  2. yea....thats right...i hope 2..coz she the first girl from korea enter this school...omg that so unexpected!:D

  3. yeah..u right..!!!!
    eeh....y we speak in eng....????
    OMG..wat happen...???
    haha....thanx a lot to her coz she influence us to speak in eng....
    yeah...u go girl !!!!
    kim maria~
